
Ineke Smits

Ineke Smits is a filmmaker, whose fiction- and documentary films are screened at international film festivals such as IDFA, San Sebastian FF, DOKLeipzig and Toronto. At the Tbilisi-based film production company Nushi Film she is development producer. She conducts workshops, is a lecturer and a project coach both in Georgia, Ukraine and The Netherlands. Ineke advises national and international funds, such as HBF, Creative Europe, ESFUF and NPO-Fund. She lives and works in The Netherlands and Georgia.

Annemarie Selhorst

Annemarie Selhorst combines her multinational heritage, incorporating Georgian and Dutch influences, with a deep passion for arts and culture. With a BA in Arts and Culture from EUR, she has successfully organised art festivals and gained valuable insights into cultural heritage during her time at the Georgian National Museum and NUSHI Film. Currently, she is expanding her skills by pursuing an MSc in Finance at Trinity College Dublin, with the aim of incorporating her newfound financial knowledge to drive sustainable growth in the cultural sector.


Jos van der Ploeg

Jos van der Ploeg (chair) began his career in the 1980s as staff member for Pop and Jazz at the Rotterdam Art Foundation. He wrote the policy memorandum Visual Arts in Rotterdam and was one of the initiators of Witte de With, now art institution Melly. He was press officer and project manager of advisory reports at the Arts Council and PA at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Director General of Culture and Media. Until his retirement, he was involved as secretary and project leader in many departmental and interdepartmental projects, including on good governance in education and the future of data sharing.

Rob Lataster

Rob Lataster (treasurer) is an expert in financial regulation and IT risk management. As a Senior Supervisor at the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) he focused on information security. Before he was a Senior Supervisor and ECB Head of Mission at De Nederlandsche Bank, leading investigations and supervising banks, insurers, and pension funds. He worked for the Dutch Ministries of Justice and Home Affairs and held technical positions at Atos Origin and Kuwait Petroleum. Rob is certified for IT auditing and information systems auditing, demonstrating his expertise in compliance, integrity and IT operational risk.

Colette Bothof

Colette Bothof (board member) is a concept developer, screenwriter and director of film-, television- and cross-media productions. Her films and series screened at major international festivals and networks. She won a Panorama Award at the Berlinale, the Europrix Top Talent Award and the Golden Calf at the Dutch Film Festival. She headed the Directing department of the Dutch Film Academy, was board member of both the Dutch Directors' Guild and VEVAM and currently lectures in the creative industry and as an advisor for various media and art funds.

Gerwin Tamsma

Gerwin Tamsma (board member) worked with the Rotterdam film festival IFFR from 1996 until 2023 in senior programming positions. Over the years he has conceived and developed many of the festival’s returning programmes, as well as various thematic programmes and retrospectives. He served on IFFR’s Hubert Bals Fund selection committee and was advisor to Netherlands Film Fund and Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. Currently he is working as a freelance programmer, editor and consultant.